Website Design

What is the Cost of Website Design in Dubai?

web design cost in dubai

Welcome to the digital world where a well-designed website is important for every business. If you are in Dubai, then you might be thinking about how much does the website design costs. Fortunately, you are at the right place, and that too at the right time when websites are reaching heights. 

Keep reading as the purpose of this blog is to uncover the things that nobody talks about. Let’s help you understand the key parts that influence the website design cost in Dubai. 

The Importance Of A Good Website 

Imagine that you are just scrolling through Google and you randomly opened a website that caught your eye. Even if it is not related to your field it is guaranteed that you will spend some time on it because of its appealing visuals and functionality. There you have it. That is what a well-designed website does for your online presence. 

What Influences The Website Development Cost In Dubai

What Influences The Website Development Cost In Dubai

Difficulty Of The Website 

The difficulty of your website plays an important role in the cost. If you are going for a simple website with a few pages it will cost you less than a difficult e-commerce website. The complication includes features like user logins, databases, and custom integrations which impact the price.

Size of the Website

The size of the website you want also affects its cost. A website with 10 pages will be way cheaper than one with 50 because adding more pages means more content, visuals, and design work. 

Requirement Of The Design 

The price will increase if you need unique designs, animations, or videos because customized designs are more expensive. You can go for pre-made templates but they may not fulfill your requirements and not fully represent your brand. 

Breakdown of Website Design Cost in Dubai

Breakdown of Website Design Cost in Dubai

DIY Design 

The cheapest method is DIY. You can redesign your website for AED 2,000 to 8,000 by using platforms like WordPress or Wix. This is the best option for small businesses who have limited budgets. 

Basic Design or In-House Solutions

If you want a basic design then the budget you should keep in mind is around AED 8,000 to 20,000. This method involves in-house teams designing your website. It is a mid-level solution for you if you need a fresh look without breaking the bank. 

Freelancer Design 

Hiring a freelancer is another cost-effective option for you. A freelancer can design your website for around AED 11,000 to 36,000. They offer flexibility and can give personalized attention to your project. 

Agency Design

An agency is the best option if you need a detailed design as per your requirements. Web design agencies in Dubai will charge you between AED 50,000 and 75,000 or maybe more. It entirely depends on the level of work you require. This price will include a complete creation of your website with professional design, development, and support.

Why Website Designs Are Expensive

Designing a website is a great investment. It includes many things like creating content, optimizing navigation, and improving user experience. The positive aspect is that this investment can lead to increased traffic, better user engagement, and higher sales. 

How to Save Costs on Website Design

Understand Your Needs 

Decide which features are important and what can be added later when you have more money to invest. Save your money by prioritizing the most essential elements. 

DIY Wherever Possible

Try to handle some parts by yourself. There are things like updating content and making simple changes in designs that you can easily do. It can reduce the cost

Use Pre-Designed Templates

Pre-designed templates are not bad. You can customize these templates to fit the needs of your brand and are more affordable for you than a full custom design. 

Choose the Right Platform

Select a platform for your website that meets your needs without unnecessary features. This way you will save your time and effort. 

Cost of Website Development in Dubai

The costs of Website development Dubai are different based on many factors. The cost depends solely on whether you are building a basic website, an e-commerce website, or a customized website with advanced features. 

Basic Website 

A basic website design Dubai price is around AED 2,000 to AED 4,000. This cost covers up to 50 pages and the work might be done in about 2 weeks. It’s a great option if you have a small business or a personal project.

E-commerce Site

E-commerce websites are more difficult and costly and the prices can range from AED 8,000 to AED 16,000. These websites can have around 200 pages and take at least 1 to 2 months to develop properly. They require strong functionality to handle online transactions easily. 

Customized Website

The most expensive option is a customized website. They can cost you from AED 10,000 to AED 50,000 or more. The time usually taken to develop them is similar to e-commerce websites that is 2 to 3 months. Custom websites include specialized features like online courses, forums or government services.

Additional Costs That You Should Consider

When you are planning the budget for your website do consider the additional costs. These costs include ongoing maintenance, hosting, SEO services, and domain registration. These elements can add to the overall web design cost in Dubai


Regular maintenance makes sure that your website runs smoothly. The cost of it depends on the difficulty of your website and the level of service you need. For an idea, basic maintenance can cost you like AED 500 per month or a difficult website may cost you more. 

SEO Services

If you want to drive organic traffic to your website then SEO services are really important. They can cost you from AED 1,000 to AED 10,000 per month. The prices depend on your business goals and the level of services. Investing in SEO can improve your website’s visibility and performance on a great level. 

Hosting and Domain Registration

Hosting and domain registration are regular costs. Hosting can cost you from AED 100 to AED 1,000 per month which depends on the person providing services to you or on the needs of your site. The Domain registration usually costs around AED 100 to AED 500 per year.

web desing

Choosing the Right Web Design Service in Dubai

When you are choosing a web design service, you need to consider your budget, needs, and the level of expertise you want. Here is a breakdown for you to understand properly:

DIY Solutions 

DIY solutions are the best for small businesses or people with limited budgets. They deliver basic design and functionality but they may lack advanced features. Platforms like WordPress or Wix will provide you with templates that are easy to use. 


Freelancers will offer you a balance between the cost and customization. They will give your website personalized attention and can deliver you high-quality work. It is essential to understand that availability and reliability entirely depend on them. 


A website development agency like Turn Up Technologies is the best option if your project is difficult. They will offer you the best services including design, development, ongoing support and much more. Agencies undoubtedly provide the highest level of expertise and professionalism but are expensive as they will carefully listen to your requirements and provide you with satisfactory results. 

Final Words 

Understanding the website design cost in Dubai is very important so you can decide your budget and plan things accordingly. Whatever the option you choose, know that the right investment can impact your online presence and take your business to a whole new level. 

Remember that investing in a well-designed website is like investing in the future of your business. 

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